UPDATE: Stoked to see my favorite of the Shoecake games get revisited!
Paul Burkey took Tetris basic "line clearing" gameplay mechnic and spun it on its head! Pieces arent falling from the top but going into boxes below so you can decide which piece to place first. It is no longer about just making horizonatal lines as you can make vertical lines across the game play area as well. Coolest yet, IMHO, is that the pieces get nastier and nastier in later levels (right when free space is at a premium youll start seein more 5+ block pieces). I even love how if you group enough same colored pieces in a clump they become gem pieces worth big points when cleared! My only whine is that I hope in updates Paul will put back in the bonus for clearing a line all of one color like he had in the computer versions.
Lord Gek about BoXiKoN, v1.2.3