Visually BoXiKoN is simply perfect. Nice colors, textures, interface, animations and effects. It also has good sound effects. It does not have background music, it allows iPOD music but mutes the sounds.
The gameplay is very simple. You place the tetris alike tiles that you can see at bottom on the board. If you make a line (like in tetris) you score and the line is removed.
You can create a 3x3 (or more) blocks of the same color to transform those blocks into jewels. Removing lines with jewels assure you bonus points.
As you can see you have 5 slots at bottom. If the next tiles comes up an theres no room for it the game is over. You have some seconds before the next tile is added (try Relaxed Mode if you want a stressless game).
One of the greatest things about the interface is that the tiles at bottom are always rotating. Most of the time you can pick up a tile in the right position to place. If you change your mind you can use a second finger to rotate the tile. You cant flip it though.
In addition, when you select a tile it is automatically shift up so your finger doesnt get in the way. In resume, the controls are perfect.
The game has 3 timed modes (easy, medium and hard) along with a Relaxed one (timeless).
It can properly resume and loading times are short. Good!
Theres an unified local high score for all modes. Theres an online board too but you have to leave the game to see it. Its very detailed but the approach is limited considering e.g. OpenFeint.
Thats a casual and very polished puzzle. I really like this one! 4/5+
Carlos-CAD about BoXiKoN